Layher Keder XL Roofing System helps to meet major construction company needs – without disturbing the local wildlife

The recently introduced Layher Keder XL temporary roofing system has played a key role for contractor Modus Access UK Ltd. by not only helping the refurbishment of one of the UK’s major construction company headquartersto proceed efficiently, but doing so with one eye on local wildlife. The installation, at the Kier Group headquarters in Bedfordshire, has been central to the scheduling of roof and stonework repairs to the impressive Tempsford Hall – crucially within a finite 16 week window. Christopher Dowse, Modus Access Operations Director, explains –
“The timing for the refurbishment project was critical as there was a 16 week period when the site was free of bats which, experts advise, would return to the building at a specific time of year. Because they are a protected species, there was no leeway in the scheduling so equipment and methods that could guarantee completion on time were fundamental to the success of the project.”